Liberal White Women“?”

By Patrick Hall
Honestly, and to be frank, the following socio-political nomenclature or way of thinking can be applied to Progressive Liberal Women whether they be Black, Latino, White, Asian, or Native Americans like the fake Indians, Buffy Saint Marie, or Senator Elizabeth Warren D-MA. My seven female siblings seem to roll with the Progressive Liberal Democrat frame of mind, along with other relatives.1 Ironically, many of my relatives have raised their progeny conservatively, ensuring they take responsibility for themselves and generally don’t depend on government largess, such as the growing welfare culture. They are not overly captive to the ostensive if not titular racial nonsense of “being or acting black.” Whatever the hell that means!
However, when it comes around to supporting the very political party that is antithetical to conservative Republican values,2 they’ll still vote for a Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and the innocuous lying chameleon, the now-defeated Presidential Candidate Vice President Kamala Harris.
As an African American (I prefer American), who has chosen to think for himself on issues related to race, abortion, the U.S. Constitution, national defense, the best way to help the poor, gender issues, and our nation’s history. I have always drawn the ire of passive-aggressive (mostly Democrat) White women. This was especially true within my chosen profession librarianship. The profession is replete with “Tolerant than thou” white females who dominated the profession. I imagine in their way of thinking; I exhibited the wrong type of “Diversity.”
I wasn’t their “idea” of an authentic, ”racism-is-every-and- it’s-all-white-peoples-and-western-cultures-fault-black guy.” The scenario since the 1970s has always been the same. They first see me as a “real or credible black person,” a proud African American. Once again, I prefer the term “American.” They subsequently discover through one of my articles that, unlike many Progressive Liberal Blacks, I haven’t fallen prey to the sirens of those who push the institutional racism catechisms or the “America is bad toxicant.” The latter has been conspicuously taught in our schools and universities for the past forty-plus years.
To make it simple for my readers, I don’t accept the ubiquitous liberal Progressive tutorage or pedagogies that directly or indirectly attribute or blame the world’s problems on Western man, the United States, and white people. This was or is the underlying subtext of Multiculturalism, Critical Race Theory, and DEI catechumenates, which gave birth and/or distortion to modern-day feminism as well as their overheated rhetoric of the toxic male, misogynistic, and sexist culture nonsense. It is the offspring of many of today's Black politicians and organizations like the NAACP and Al Sharpton’s Nation Action Network (NAN) which consistently designates or calls everything and anybody who disagrees with them racist. Once again, many Progressive Liberal Democrats will employ any convenient “isms” to shut down or otherwise censor their opposition.
Republican or Conservative men like myself are quickly if not unjustly, accused of mansplaining, toxic condescension, and overt or covert sexism by the Liberal-white-women-industrial complex. What some political satirists now refer to as the “AWFUL cabal” or the left-of-center matriarchy. That is Affluent White Female Urban Liberals (AWFUL). They are the offspring of decades of Howard Zinn historicity, unabated multicultural studies, implicit race and gender bias awareness training, and affirmative action seminars, as well as a propensity to wallow in “white guilt” courtesy of the DEI and Critical Race and Gender Theory Supplicants.
I have an idea! Maybe they would see me more as an authentic American black guy, if I occasionally broke into a pseudo-black accent with a hint of Ebonics and said, “Yaws knos Miss Linda, I’s stils loves me sumes cornbread.”3 Yes, that will do it.
1. See., Daniel Flynn. A Conservative History of the American Left. Crown Forum: New York, 2008.
2. See., 7 Core Principles of Conservatism (
3. See., Patrick Hall. Not African-American, Just American. Headway Magazine: November 1997: 37-38.
Honestly, and to be frank, the following socio-political nomenclature or way of thinking can be applied to Progressive Liberal Women whether they be Black, Latino, White, Asian, or Native Americans like the fake Indians, Buffy Saint Marie, or Senator Elizabeth Warren D-MA. My seven female siblings seem to roll with the Progressive Liberal Democrat frame of mind, along with other relatives.1 Ironically, many of my relatives have raised their progeny conservatively, ensuring they take responsibility for themselves and generally don’t depend on government largess, such as the growing welfare culture. They are not overly captive to the ostensive if not titular racial nonsense of “being or acting black.” Whatever the hell that means!
However, when it comes around to supporting the very political party that is antithetical to conservative Republican values,2 they’ll still vote for a Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and the innocuous lying chameleon, the now-defeated Presidential Candidate Vice President Kamala Harris.
As an African American (I prefer American), who has chosen to think for himself on issues related to race, abortion, the U.S. Constitution, national defense, the best way to help the poor, gender issues, and our nation’s history. I have always drawn the ire of passive-aggressive (mostly Democrat) White women. This was especially true within my chosen profession librarianship. The profession is replete with “Tolerant than thou” white females who dominated the profession. I imagine in their way of thinking; I exhibited the wrong type of “Diversity.”
I wasn’t their “idea” of an authentic, ”racism-is-every-and- it’s-all-white-peoples-and-western-cultures-fault-black guy.” The scenario since the 1970s has always been the same. They first see me as a “real or credible black person,” a proud African American. Once again, I prefer the term “American.” They subsequently discover through one of my articles that, unlike many Progressive Liberal Blacks, I haven’t fallen prey to the sirens of those who push the institutional racism catechisms or the “America is bad toxicant.” The latter has been conspicuously taught in our schools and universities for the past forty-plus years.
To make it simple for my readers, I don’t accept the ubiquitous liberal Progressive tutorage or pedagogies that directly or indirectly attribute or blame the world’s problems on Western man, the United States, and white people. This was or is the underlying subtext of Multiculturalism, Critical Race Theory, and DEI catechumenates, which gave birth and/or distortion to modern-day feminism as well as their overheated rhetoric of the toxic male, misogynistic, and sexist culture nonsense. It is the offspring of many of today's Black politicians and organizations like the NAACP and Al Sharpton’s Nation Action Network (NAN) which consistently designates or calls everything and anybody who disagrees with them racist. Once again, many Progressive Liberal Democrats will employ any convenient “isms” to shut down or otherwise censor their opposition.
Republican or Conservative men like myself are quickly if not unjustly, accused of mansplaining, toxic condescension, and overt or covert sexism by the Liberal-white-women-industrial complex. What some political satirists now refer to as the “AWFUL cabal” or the left-of-center matriarchy. That is Affluent White Female Urban Liberals (AWFUL). They are the offspring of decades of Howard Zinn historicity, unabated multicultural studies, implicit race and gender bias awareness training, and affirmative action seminars, as well as a propensity to wallow in “white guilt” courtesy of the DEI and Critical Race and Gender Theory Supplicants.
I have an idea! Maybe they would see me more as an authentic American black guy, if I occasionally broke into a pseudo-black accent with a hint of Ebonics and said, “Yaws knos Miss Linda, I’s stils loves me sumes cornbread.”3 Yes, that will do it.
1. See., Daniel Flynn. A Conservative History of the American Left. Crown Forum: New York, 2008.
2. See., 7 Core Principles of Conservatism (
3. See., Patrick Hall. Not African-American, Just American. Headway Magazine: November 1997: 37-38.

Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He graduated from Canisius College and the University of Washington, where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology, and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional coursework at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University, and St. John Fishers College of Rochester, New York. He has been published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine, and American Libraries. He has published in peer-reviewed publications, the Journal of Academic Librarianship, and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014, he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.
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Thank You Patrick! Excellent informative and revealing commentary. Kudos! Me thinks, for many, if not all progressive liberals, is the ever underlying culprit, the lack of a Biblical and American historical truths, which is a result of the orchestrated indoctrination of "Social Justice," founded upon envy, that is purposely avoiding the civic lessons, or foundation for a "Civil Society."
Excellent article, Patrick! The thing that rubs me the wrong way is the fringe groups need to label everyone. Here in America we are all Americans, regardless of where our families originated. I also have an issue with regarding different ethnic groups as 'races'. There is one race of sentient beings on this planet, and that's the human race. Any other line of thinking is divisive, and if the human race wants to survive, we need to work together, crossing cultural differences and realizing that we're all in this together, and we all need to observe the ancient concept of 'love your fellow human as yourself'.