Radical Liberal Democrats Proves They are the only Turkeys in America

By Raynard Jackson
As we have just ended our celebration of our National Day of Thanksgiving, I could not help but be reminded of how perverted radical liberal Democrats have become!!!
They have hijacked what used to be a day of true reflection and thankfulness to God almighty and turned it into a day of self-flagellation as to how racist and bad America is with an emphasis on there is no God.
I am not going to delve into the polemics and history of Thanksgiving with the pilgrims, etc. Suffice it to say, despite all of America’s faults, we are still the best country to live in.
One of the top reasons the Democrat’s lost last month’s presidential and congressional elections is they ran a campaign based on how racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic America is, without evidence.
You will never, let me repeat never, win over the public in a persuasion campaign by telling the electorate how bad, ignorant, and stupid they are.
Just imagine if McDonalds Hamburger used all their advertising dollars telling you how bad Burger King is. Just the opposite, McDonalds spends all their money telling you how good their Big Mac is not how bad Burger King’s Whopper is.
It is called marketing 101!
America was great when former President Lincoln freed the slaves. America was great when Congress passed the Civil and Voting Rights Acts in the sixties. America was great when they elected the first Black president, Barack Obama, in 2008 and reelected him in 2012. America was great when we witnessed, yet again, the peaceful transfer of power to Donald Trump in 2016 from Barack Obama, despite just witnessing one of the nastiest presidential elections in our nation’s history.
America was great when we had successive Black secretaries of state, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice under George W. Bush.
America was great when we had successive Black attorney generals, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch under Obama.
America was great last month when Trump named Susie Wiles as his chief of staff. The first woman to be chief of staff in the history of our country.
Harris and Democrats ran a national campaign strictly based on how bad America is, without evidence. Why would you want to lead a country that is as bad as the Democrats claimed?
Their retort would be, “so they can fix all that is wrong with America.”
Well, that sounds good on the surface, but can you explain how you expect to lead a country where over fifty percent of the people said they do not agree with you on the economy, the border, and crime? Where over fifty percent of the voters think America is the best, greatest country in the world, with plenty of evidence!
As if that was not enough, Democrats told over fifty percent of the people they want to govern, that IF they voted for Trump and down ballot Republicans, they were stupid, dumb, and a fascist; that their chosen candidate, Donald Trump was another Hitler.
On what planet does this type of logic make sense?
Democrats and their extreme radical liberal orthodoxy got gobbled up with rhetoric that repulsed the American people. Their vision of America was as dead as a Thanksgiving turkey and the voters told them exactly where they could stuff it.
During a time when all Americans should be thankful for the blessings and progress we have made as a nation on our journey towards redemption, extreme radical liberal Democrats seem to want to focus on our past.
We must get back to our founding principles: love of God, love of country; and love of our people.
Liberals must stop obsessing about America’s racial past and focus on America’s promise. We must not live our lives in fear of loss; we must live our lives in hope of gain.
Liberals are great at complaining about problems, but rarely if ever provide any practical solutions to their complaints.
Trump is saving America from its downward trajectory towards Sodom and Gomorrah. Boys cannot become girls and girls cannot become boys.
Trump is saving America from the invasion of illegals from across the world.
Trump is saving America from big government mandating what type of stoves we are allowed to cook on, what type of cars we are allowed to drive, and what type of medications we are allowed to take.
Trump is putting freedom back in the hands of we the people.
For these things, we all should be thankful!
As we have just ended our celebration of our National Day of Thanksgiving, I could not help but be reminded of how perverted radical liberal Democrats have become!!!
They have hijacked what used to be a day of true reflection and thankfulness to God almighty and turned it into a day of self-flagellation as to how racist and bad America is with an emphasis on there is no God.
I am not going to delve into the polemics and history of Thanksgiving with the pilgrims, etc. Suffice it to say, despite all of America’s faults, we are still the best country to live in.
One of the top reasons the Democrat’s lost last month’s presidential and congressional elections is they ran a campaign based on how racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic America is, without evidence.
You will never, let me repeat never, win over the public in a persuasion campaign by telling the electorate how bad, ignorant, and stupid they are.
Just imagine if McDonalds Hamburger used all their advertising dollars telling you how bad Burger King is. Just the opposite, McDonalds spends all their money telling you how good their Big Mac is not how bad Burger King’s Whopper is.
It is called marketing 101!
America was great when former President Lincoln freed the slaves. America was great when Congress passed the Civil and Voting Rights Acts in the sixties. America was great when they elected the first Black president, Barack Obama, in 2008 and reelected him in 2012. America was great when we witnessed, yet again, the peaceful transfer of power to Donald Trump in 2016 from Barack Obama, despite just witnessing one of the nastiest presidential elections in our nation’s history.
America was great when we had successive Black secretaries of state, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice under George W. Bush.
America was great when we had successive Black attorney generals, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch under Obama.
America was great last month when Trump named Susie Wiles as his chief of staff. The first woman to be chief of staff in the history of our country.
Harris and Democrats ran a national campaign strictly based on how bad America is, without evidence. Why would you want to lead a country that is as bad as the Democrats claimed?
Their retort would be, “so they can fix all that is wrong with America.”
Well, that sounds good on the surface, but can you explain how you expect to lead a country where over fifty percent of the people said they do not agree with you on the economy, the border, and crime? Where over fifty percent of the voters think America is the best, greatest country in the world, with plenty of evidence!
As if that was not enough, Democrats told over fifty percent of the people they want to govern, that IF they voted for Trump and down ballot Republicans, they were stupid, dumb, and a fascist; that their chosen candidate, Donald Trump was another Hitler.
On what planet does this type of logic make sense?
Democrats and their extreme radical liberal orthodoxy got gobbled up with rhetoric that repulsed the American people. Their vision of America was as dead as a Thanksgiving turkey and the voters told them exactly where they could stuff it.
During a time when all Americans should be thankful for the blessings and progress we have made as a nation on our journey towards redemption, extreme radical liberal Democrats seem to want to focus on our past.
We must get back to our founding principles: love of God, love of country; and love of our people.
Liberals must stop obsessing about America’s racial past and focus on America’s promise. We must not live our lives in fear of loss; we must live our lives in hope of gain.
Liberals are great at complaining about problems, but rarely if ever provide any practical solutions to their complaints.
Trump is saving America from its downward trajectory towards Sodom and Gomorrah. Boys cannot become girls and girls cannot become boys.
Trump is saving America from the invasion of illegals from across the world.
Trump is saving America from big government mandating what type of stoves we are allowed to cook on, what type of cars we are allowed to drive, and what type of medications we are allowed to take.
Trump is putting freedom back in the hands of we the people.
For these things, we all should be thankful!

Raynard Jackson is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit www.bafbf.org. You can follow Raynard on Twitter; RealRaynardJ; on Gettr: RaynardJackson.
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