But I Thought He was Hitler “?”

By Patrick Hall
They lied. Who are they? Well, for starters, they are the Democratic National Committee (DNC), most if not all Democratic politicians within their polity, along with the mainstream or legacy media. This included but is not limited to ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, BBC, BBC Europe, Germany’s Der Spiegel, and 90 % of newspapers throughout the United States and Canada. You can also add the overwhelming majority of college and university professors and a host of Progressive Liberal talking—-heads like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Wilie Geist. Also, the Ladies of “The View,” most late-night TV entertainers such as Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, the irrepressible but consistently witless Jim Clyburn (D-SC), concurrent with the Progressive Liberal Democrat Race-Hustlers/Poverty Pimps who populate the Congressional Black Caucus, make the list of insatiable Trump haters.
Especially egregious were many high-profile political generals like former head of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, along with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who went along with the smear that painted Trump as an existential threat to our Democracy.
In retrospect, all of the above constituencies were practicing the first rule of propaganda. People will believe it if you repeat a lie often enough through various media and constantly hammer the distortion/lie ‘over and over again’. Let me be even more direct. What was done to Trump and others was not misinformation, disinformation, scuttlebutt, gossip, etc. It was simply a lie. THEY ALL WERE LYING!
Joseph Goebbels, the Third Reich’s chief propagandist perfected if not embellished the practices of the “Big Lie.” Once again, shout a lie loud enough, and repeat it frequently the results are almost certain. The rhetorical alchemy about Trump being Hitler can transform a falsehood into truth. Although Trump was re-elected, thank God. There were over 74 million Americans, many of whom bought the Big Lie in some fashion.
That is how it works. And if you are like most Americans who don’t pay close attention to the political bile and or rhetorical political manure being spread about Donald Trump, you will fall for it.
A Related Sidebar
Earlier I mentioned, the influence which colleges and universities play in shaping public opinion against Conservative Republican principles that politicians and statesmen like Trump represented. Taken together, our schools and universities and their pedagogues constitute a tiny portion of society. However, they have a considerable influence on young people. As pointed out years ago by the late Charles Krauthammer, self-hating Americans comprise but a faction of the total population. I believe the figures are around 10%. Yet their influence is great. How did they garner and sustain such influence? They are journalists, museum curators, and librarians (especially academic librarians). They are college and high school teachers, and movie and rock stars. As the economist and public policy analyst Thomas Sowell points out in his book Inside American Education, the cultural-political left writes the grade school and high school curricula. This numerical fragment concentrates on fields that manipulate or influence how people think or what they may “tentatively believe.” For example, Donald Trump is Hitler or he aspires to be an all-powerful dictator who will go after and criminally prosecute his political opponents. You know, like Democratic politicians have done for decades.
Our first Black President, who remains a closet Socialist, was particularly good at using federal government institutions like the IRS or the EPA, to go after people and institutions that disagree with his secret campaign toward socialism or “a more friendly version of communism.” Friedrich Hayek warned the West about it in his seminal work The Road to Serfdom.
We witness this first hand if you were paying attention to the way the Democratic Polity and their media operate. On a significant number of occasions, the reactions of Progressive Liberal Democrats, like Biden, Schumer, Harris, and Obama, is to view and engage their opposition not in spirited debate but to censor, smear, or accuse them of some specious or deceptive criminal activity.
They lied. Who are they? Well, for starters, they are the Democratic National Committee (DNC), most if not all Democratic politicians within their polity, along with the mainstream or legacy media. This included but is not limited to ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, BBC, BBC Europe, Germany’s Der Spiegel, and 90 % of newspapers throughout the United States and Canada. You can also add the overwhelming majority of college and university professors and a host of Progressive Liberal talking—-heads like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Wilie Geist. Also, the Ladies of “The View,” most late-night TV entertainers such as Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, the irrepressible but consistently witless Jim Clyburn (D-SC), concurrent with the Progressive Liberal Democrat Race-Hustlers/Poverty Pimps who populate the Congressional Black Caucus, make the list of insatiable Trump haters.
Especially egregious were many high-profile political generals like former head of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, along with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who went along with the smear that painted Trump as an existential threat to our Democracy.
In retrospect, all of the above constituencies were practicing the first rule of propaganda. People will believe it if you repeat a lie often enough through various media and constantly hammer the distortion/lie ‘over and over again’. Let me be even more direct. What was done to Trump and others was not misinformation, disinformation, scuttlebutt, gossip, etc. It was simply a lie. THEY ALL WERE LYING!
Joseph Goebbels, the Third Reich’s chief propagandist perfected if not embellished the practices of the “Big Lie.” Once again, shout a lie loud enough, and repeat it frequently the results are almost certain. The rhetorical alchemy about Trump being Hitler can transform a falsehood into truth. Although Trump was re-elected, thank God. There were over 74 million Americans, many of whom bought the Big Lie in some fashion.
That is how it works. And if you are like most Americans who don’t pay close attention to the political bile and or rhetorical political manure being spread about Donald Trump, you will fall for it.
A Related Sidebar
Earlier I mentioned, the influence which colleges and universities play in shaping public opinion against Conservative Republican principles that politicians and statesmen like Trump represented. Taken together, our schools and universities and their pedagogues constitute a tiny portion of society. However, they have a considerable influence on young people. As pointed out years ago by the late Charles Krauthammer, self-hating Americans comprise but a faction of the total population. I believe the figures are around 10%. Yet their influence is great. How did they garner and sustain such influence? They are journalists, museum curators, and librarians (especially academic librarians). They are college and high school teachers, and movie and rock stars. As the economist and public policy analyst Thomas Sowell points out in his book Inside American Education, the cultural-political left writes the grade school and high school curricula. This numerical fragment concentrates on fields that manipulate or influence how people think or what they may “tentatively believe.” For example, Donald Trump is Hitler or he aspires to be an all-powerful dictator who will go after and criminally prosecute his political opponents. You know, like Democratic politicians have done for decades.
Our first Black President, who remains a closet Socialist, was particularly good at using federal government institutions like the IRS or the EPA, to go after people and institutions that disagree with his secret campaign toward socialism or “a more friendly version of communism.” Friedrich Hayek warned the West about it in his seminal work The Road to Serfdom.
We witness this first hand if you were paying attention to the way the Democratic Polity and their media operate. On a significant number of occasions, the reactions of Progressive Liberal Democrats, like Biden, Schumer, Harris, and Obama, is to view and engage their opposition not in spirited debate but to censor, smear, or accuse them of some specious or deceptive criminal activity.

Patrick is a retired University Library Director. He graduated from Canisius College and the University of Washington, where he earned Masters Degrees in Religious Studies Education, Urban Anthropology, and Library and Information Science. Mr. Hall has also completed additional coursework at the University of Buffalo, Seattle University, and St. John Fishers College of Rochester, New York. He has been published in several national publications such as Commonweal, America, Conservative Review, Headway, National Catholic Reporter, Freedom's Journal Magazine, and American Libraries. He has published in peer-reviewed publications, the Journal of Academic Librarianship, and the Internet Reference Services Quarterly. From 1997 until his retirement in January 2014, he served on the Advisory Board of Urban Library Journal, a CUNY Publication.
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1 Comment
Here, in all apparent seriousness, this writer purports to engage in “spirited debate” while abhorring ad hominem incriminations, yet then names over thirty persons and institutions in ad hominem manner. Taking out all those names reduces the article to about 530 words. Apparently, anyone agreeing with Pat Hall (in your channeling of Robby Starbuck) is welcome to a debate, others are simply liars.
nRegarding your main points (such as they are), Friedrich Hayek happens to be the Godfather of neoliberalism which is far more selfish than real conservative Republicanism which follows a line from Barry Goldwater to Liz Cheney while Herr Drumpf (herein referred to as “Donny”) has corrupted the party into a personal cult. Hayek’s _Road to Serfdom_ is rightly being replaced by Joseph Stiglitz’s _The Road to Freedom_. So you choose, dear reader, the road to serfdom under the astringent neo-liberal crushing austerity enveloping much of the world, or instead the road to freedom.
nYou don’t need to wallow in the mainstream media to find the truth about little Donny, just read the Project 2025 manifesto. And how can a supposedly Biblical-worldview magazine be promoting devotion to a serial misogynist such as little Donny? Trump Model Management modus operandi was adapted in full into Jeffrey Epstein’s world of sexploits and video blackmail. Donny hosted parties at the Plaza Hotel, hooking up older men with young women and girls, and Epstein at a pro-am tennis tournament at Mar-a-Lago introduced Donny to his new girlfriend, Melania Knaus (American Kompromat, Craig Unger, p. 201). And it is well known, and it isn’t lies, about little Donny’s supposed business acumen, cheating suppliers, abuse of workforce and every possible form of business and tax fraud. No convicted felon here!
nLittle Donny has made it abundantly clear how he intends to govern beginning Day One, and how his adversaries are going to face retribution. Only one living in the perpetual fog of adoration can state otherwise. I for one, don’t read much Joseph Goebbels, but probably Donny does, between re-reads of Mein Kampf.